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VMware Tools updates address Local Privilege Escalation and SAML Token Signature Bypass vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-34057, CVE-2023-34058) (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
VMware Tools updates address a SAML Token Signature Bypass Vulnerability (CVE-2023-20900) (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
VMware Tools for Windows update addresses Authentication Bypass vulnerability in VMware Tools (CVE-2023-20867) (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
VMware Tools for Windows update addresses a denial-of-service vulnerability (CVE-2021-31693) (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
How-to Install latest open-vm-tools from source on CentOS 7 (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
VMware Tools was impacted by a local privilege escalation vulnerability (CVE-2022-31676) (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
How-to run Windows Server 2016+ with VMware Paravirtual SCSI Controller (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
How-to Install VMware Tools on Windows Based Virtual Machines (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
How-to Install Open VMware Tools (open-vm-tools) on *nix Guest Operating Systems (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
How-to Verify VMware Tools version (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)