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Programming libraries wrapping the EIS Virtual Cloud RESTful API

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Python client for the EIS Virtual Cloud RESTful API 


 The python client allows you to interact with the API using its self-descriptive methods




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Installing the library is quite simple. Either clone the GitLab repository or download the source code or use pip to do everything for you:

Code Block
# pip
virtualenv ~/VirtualEnvs/pyvss
. ~/VirtualEnvs/pyvss/activate
pip install pyvss
# git
git clone
cd py-vss
python install


If you prefer running your scripts in a docker container, the uofteis/pyvss image is the solution. It's based on Alpine Linux with Python 2.7.12 and works as follows:

Code Block
# with access token
docker run -it -v .:/data -e VSS_API_TOKEN=token_here uofteis/pyvss

# user and pass
docker run -it -v .:/data -e VSS_API_USER=user_here -e VSS_API_USER_PASS=user_pass_here uofteis/pyvss

# env file containing either VSS_API_USER and VSS_API_USER_PASS or VSS_API_TOKEN
docker run -it -v .:/data --env-file vss.env uofteis/pyvss



Creating a virtual machine is as easy as calling


the create_vm


 method as follows:

Code Block
from pyvss.manager import VssManager 

vss = VssManager(tk='api_token')
# get vms
vms = vss.get_vms()
# create vm
req = vss.create_vm(os='ubuntu64Guest', built='os_install', 
                    description='Testing python wrapper', 
                    folder='group-v6736', bill_dept='EIS', disks=[100, 100])
uuid = vss.wait_for_request(req['_links']['request'], 'vm_uuid', 'Processed')

By setting


the VSS_API_TOKEN environment variable and then executing the


 script and using as input args the function name


 followed by any parameters,


 the response is displayed


to stdout.

Code Block
python pyvss/ get_vms 'summary=1&name=pm'
[{u'_links': {u'self': u'<vm_uuid>'},
  u'cpuCount': 2,
  u'folder': {u'_links': {u'self': u''},
              u'moref': u'group-v519',
              u'name': u'Public',
              u'parent': u'API'},
  u'guestFullName': u'Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)',
  u'ipAddress': u'<ip_addr>',
  u'memoryMB': 4096,
  u'name': u'1502P-pm',
  u'overallStatus': u'green',
  u'powerState': u'poweredOn',
  u'storageB': 96637166467,
  u'uuid': u'<vm_uuid>'}]


How to install

Installing the library is quite simple. Either clone the GitLab repository or download the source code or use pip to do everything for you:
