Versions Compared


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  1. Login to the or or with your local vss-cli installation.

    1. If running a local install, make sure you are running the latest vss-cli version via vss-cli upgrade.

  2. Create a userdata.yaml with all the users, packages and custom settings that you plan to use (examples are available ):

    Code Block
    hostname: its-cloud-vm1
    timezone: America/Toronto
      list: |
      expire: False
    - name: root
      lock_passwd: true
    - name: vss-user
      sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
      passwd: $6....
      groups: sudo, wheel
      lock_passwd: true
        - ssh-rsa AAAA....
      - git
      - sudo
      - net-utilsbindutils
    - path: /etc/motdgen.d/
      permissions: '0755'
      content: |
        INSTANCE_ID=`vmware-rpctool "info-get"`
        INSTANCE_NAME=`vmware-rpctool "info-get"`
        printf "\n"
        printf "  University of Toronto ITS Private Cloud Instance\n"
        printf "\n"
        printf "  Name:     $INSTANCE_NAME\n"
        printf "  ID:       $INSTANCE_ID\n"
        printf "\n"
    package_update: true
    package_upgrade: true
    package_reboot_if_required: true
      delay: now
      mode: reboot
      message: Rebooting the OS
      condition: if [ -e /var/run/reboot-required ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi
    # Optional: Cleanup guestinfo.userdata* and guestinfo.vendordata*
    # uncomment the following lines to enable.
    # cleanup-guestinfo:
    # - userdata
    # - vendordata
    final_message: "The system is finally up, after $UPTIME seconds"
    1. Note that passwd hash is required to update the root password or any other user password. The vss-cli has the utility to hash strings: vss-cli misc hash-string NewPassword123

  3. Create metadata.yaml with the instance and networking configuration :

    Code Block
    instance-id: its-cloud-vm1
    local-hostname: its-cloud-vm1
      version: 2
            name: ens*
          dhcp4: yes
    1. More examples can be found

  4. Run the following command to deploy instance assigning the userdata.yaml and metadata.yaml encoded as specified in the guestinfo.*.encoding option.

    Code Block
    vss-cli --wait compute vm mk from-clib \
    --memory 1 --cpu 1 \
    --source vmware-photon-ova_uefi-4.0  \
    --disk 10 \
    --description 'Photon server' \
    --client EIS --os photon --usage Prod \
    --folder group-v4122 --net EIS-VSS-CGN \
    --extra-config guestinfo.metadata.encoding=gzip+base64 \
    --extra-config guestinfo.userdata.encoding=gzip+base64 \
    --extra-config guestinfo.userdata=$(vss-cli misc gz-b64e userdata.yaml) \
    --extra-config guestinfo.metadata=$(vss-cli misc gz-b64e metadata.yaml) \
    --power-on vss-photon
    1. Note that you should replace the --folder option value with a folder you have access to.

  5. When the previous command completes, you should get the allocated IP address in the “warnings” section:

    Code Block
    id                  : 6996
    status              : IN_PROGRESS
    task_id             : bcf49812-64f0-4cdb-a0f2-5245312572ac
    message             : Request has been accepted for processing
    ⏳ Waiting for request 6996 to complete...
    🎉 Request 6996 completed successfully:
    warnings            : Fault Domain: FD4 (domain-c66), 
                          Created in: VSS > Sandbox > jm (group-v4122), 
                          Network adapter 1 (vmxnet3): 00:50:56:92:d9:36: VL-0253-EIS-VSS-CGN, 
                          Successfully powered on., 
                          Successfully allocated 00:50:56:92:d9:36 ->
    errors              :
  6. If all went well, you should be able to login via the allocated IP address included in the email and ssh access should available:

    Code Block
    ssh vss-user@
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:9QCX5IYOc....FFnemF99KaXRZVoIY.
    This key is not known by any other names
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
      University of Toronto ITS Private Cloud Instance
      Name:     2210P-vss-photon
      ID:       vm-589164
     21:03:06 up 9 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
    tdnf update info not available yet!

  7. There you go! We have a fully functional pre-configured virtual machine with UEFI and secure boot ready for action. 🚀
