Versions Compared


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  1. List the guest_id that matches the full_name OS you are looking for

    Code Block
    vss-cli compute os ls


    Code Block
     id  guest_id                 full_name                                                             family
    ----  -----------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------
      30  rhel7Guest               Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7                                            linuxGuest
      28  solaris6Guest            Solaris 6                                                             None
      31  solaris7Guest            Solaris 7                                                             None
      94  asianux8_64Guest         Asianux Server 8 (64 bit)                                             None
      88  oracleLinux6_64Guest     Oracle 6 (64-bit)                                                     None
      89  oracleLinux6Guest        Oracle 6                                                              None
      90  oracleLinux7_64Guest     Oracle 7 (64-bit)                                                     None
      91  oracleLinux7Guest        Oracle 7                                                              None
      92  asianux5_64Guest         Asianux Server 5 (64 bit)                                             None
      93  asianux7_64Guest         Asianux Server 7 (64 bit)                                             None
       3  winNetStandard64Guest    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (64 bit)               windowsGuest
       8  centosGuest              CentOS 4/5                                                            linuxGuest
       9  other24xLinux64Guest     Linux 2.4x Kernel (64 bit) (experimental)                             linuxGuest
      10  fedoraGuest              Fedora Linux                                                          linuxGuest
      17  slesGuest                Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9                                        linuxGuest
      23  rhel3Guest               Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3                                            linuxGuest
      95  vmwarePhoton64Guest      VMware Photon (64 bit)                                                linuxGuest
  2. Tun off the Virtual Machine

    Code Block
    vss-cli compute vm set <VM_ID> state off
  3. Configure the right OS, replace the Windows2012 profile to Windows 2016 profile

    Code Block
    vss-cli compute vm set <VM_ID> os windows9Server64Guest
  4. Turn of the Virtual Machine

    Code Block
    vss-cli compute vm set <VM_ID> state on

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