Versions Compared


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The profile attached to the VM will help to take advantages of the OS features. Windows 2016 won’t take advantage of all the features because is configured with the Windows 2012 profile.

How can you fix the mismatch configuration?

  1. List the guest_id that matches the full_name OS you are looking for

    Code Block
    vss-cli compute os ls


    Code Block
     id  guest_id                 full_name                                                             family
    ----  -----------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------
      30  rhel7Guest               Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7                                            linuxGuest
      28  solaris6Guest            Solaris 6                                                             None
      31  solaris7Guest            Solaris 7                                                             None
      94  asianux8_64Guest         Asianux Server 8 (64 bit)                                             None
      88  oracleLinux6_64Guest     Oracle 6 (64-bit)                                                     None
      89  oracleLinux6Guest        Oracle 6                                                              None
      90  oracleLinux7_64Guest     Oracle 7 (64-bit)                                                     None
      91  oracleLinux7Guest        Oracle 7                                                              None
      92  asianux5_64Guest         Asianux Server 5 (64 bit)                                             None
      93  asianux7_64Guest         Asianux Server 7 (64 bit)                                             None
       3  winNetStandard64Guest    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (64 bit)               windowsGuest
       8  centosGuest              CentOS 4/5                                                            linuxGuest
       9  other24xLinux64Guest     Linux 2.4x Kernel (64 bit) (experimental)                             linuxGuest
      10  fedoraGuest              Fedora Linux                                                          linuxGuest
      17  slesGuest                Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9                                        linuxGuest
      23  rhel3Guest               Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3                                            linuxGuest
      95  vmwarePhoton64Guest      VMware Photon (64 bit)                                                linuxGuest
  2. Tun off the Virtual Machine

    Code Block
  3. Configure the right OS, for example (Windows 2012 replace the Windows2012 profile to Windows 2016 )profile

    Code Block
    vss-cli compute vm set vm-XXXX os windows9Server64Guest
  4. Turn of the Virtual Machine

    Code Block