This procedure includes the steps to connect to an Ubuntu Pro (VSS-PUBLIC) on Premise instance .
from a previous Ubuntu Pro installation.
To ensure smooth operation, please detach any previously connected virtual machines from Ubuntu Pro. Execute the following commands with administrative privileges:
Code Block pro detach
Code Block Detach will disable the following services: esm-apps esm-infra landscape livepatch Are you sure? (y/N) y Updating package lists Updating package lists Executing `landscape-config --disable` /etc/landscape/client.conf contains your landscape-client configuration. To re-enable Landscape with the same configuration, run: sudo pro enable landscape --assume-yes
Remove the lines below if the file still exists
Code Block machine esm.ubuntu.com/apps/ login bearer password ... # ubuntu-advantage-tools machine esm.ubuntu.com/infra/ login bearer password ... # ubuntu-advantage-tools