Versions Compared


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  • name: VMfromPyVss
  • built process: os install
  • billing client department: VSS
  • description: virtual machine created from vss
  • usage: QA
  • cpu and memory: 2 
  • disks: 1GB, 2GB and 3GB
  • networks: any available network in your account
  • folders: any folder available in your account
  • iso: ubuntu 12.04 i386
  • os: ubuntuGuest


  1. Generate an API access token and save it to tk.json file:

    Code Block
    http POST -a jm > tk.json
    http: password for

  2. Start ptpython or python console:

    Code Block

  3. Import VssManager and json libraries and load tk.json into a variable

    Code Block
    from pyvss.manager import VssManager
    import json 
    token = json.load(open('tk.json')) 

  4. Create a VssManager instance with the previously loaded token:

    Code Block
    vss = VssManager(tk=token.get('token'))

  5.  Refer to the official docs or use the help built in function to display what parameters are required by the create_vm function:

    Code Block

  6. Define the following variables

    Code Block
    name = 'VMfromPyVss'
    built = 'os_install' # it could be either clone or image as well
    bill_deptclient = 'VSS'
    description = 'Virtual machine created from pyVss'
    usage = 'QA' # could be either Prod, Test, QA or Dev
    cpu = 2
    memory = 2 # this value is in GB
    disks = [1, 2, 3]  # three disks of 1GB, 2GB and 3GB

  7. Get target folder, networks, operating system and iso image to mount for the installation

    Code Block
    networks = vss.get_networks(name='1102') # filtering by name
    networks = [{'network': net.get('moref')} for net in networks]
    folders = vss.get_folders(name='APIDemo') # filtering by name
    folder = folders[0].get('moref')
    isos = vss.get_isos(name='ubuntu') # filtering by name
    iso = isos[0].get('path')
    os_list = vss.get_os(name='ubuntu') # filtering by name
    os = os_list[0].get('guestFullName')

  8. Create new vm request 

    Code Block
    r = vss.create_vm(name=name, os=os, built=built, bill_dept=bill_deptclient=client, description=description, 
    				  folder=folder, networks=networks, disks=disks, usage=usage, 
    				  cpu=cpu, memoryGB=memory, iso=iso)

  9. We will use wait_for_request function to get new virtual machine Uuid when provisioned:

    Code Block
    uuid = vss.wait_for_request(r.get('_links').get('request'), 'vm_uuid', 'Processed')

  10. Once you get the uuid, get a summary of the VM:

    Code Block
    vm = vss.get_vm(uuid)

  11. Power on VM

    Code Block

  12. Validate new VM state:

    Code Block

  13. Generate a one-time VM console link to start the OS installation

    Code Block
    link = vss.get_vm_console()
