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Programming libraries wrapping


the ITS Private Cloud API.

VSS Command Line Interface (vss-cli)

The VSS Command Line Interface is a unified tool to manage your ITS Private Cloud services.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


The easiest way to install vss-cli is to use pip:

Code Block
pip install vss-cli

or, if you are not installing in a virtual environment:

Code Block
pip install --user vss-cli

This will install the vss-cli package as well as all dependencies. You can also just download tarball.

Once you have the vsscli directory structure on your workstation, you can just run:

Code Block
cd <path_to_vsscli>
python install


Before using vss-cli, you need to tell it about your VSS credentials. You can do this in a couple of ways:

  • Environment variables
  • Config file

The quickest way to get started is to run the vss-cli configure mk command:

Code Block
vss configure mk

Endpoint []:
Endpoint Name [cloud-api]:
Username: username
Repeat for confirmation:
Successfully configured credentials for
You are ready to use the vss-cli 


Code Block
docker run -it -v ~/:/root/ -v ~/Downloads:/data uofteis/vss-cli sh
/ # vss-cli configure
Endpoint []:
Endpoint Name [cloud-api]:
Username: username
Repeat for confirmation:
Successfully configured credentials for
You are ready to use the vss-cli 

For more information, please take a look at the GitLab repo or PyPI.

Python client for the


ITS Private Cloud



 The python client allows you to interact with the API using


self-descriptive methods




Installing the library is quite simple. Either clone the GitLab repository or download the source code or use pip to do everything for you:

Code Block
# pip
python3 -m venv ~/venvs/pyvss
. ~/VirtualEnvs/pyvss/activate
pip3 install pyvss
# git
git clone
cd py-vss
python install


If you prefer running your scripts in a docker container, the uofteis/pyvss image is the solution. It's based on Alpine Linux with Python 2.7.12 and works as follows:

Code Block
# with access token
docker run -it -v .:/data -e VSS_API_TOKEN=token_here uofteis/pyvss

# user and pass
docker run -it -v .:/data -e VSS_API_USER=user_here -e VSS_API_USER_PASS=user_pass_here uofteis/pyvss

# env file containing either VSS_API_USER and VSS_API_USER_PASS or VSS_API_TOKEN
docker run -it -v .:/data --env-file vss.env uofteis/pyvss


Creating a virtual machine is as easy as calling


the create_vm


 method as follows:

Code Block
from pyvss.manager import VssManager 

vss = VssManager(tk='api_token')
# get vms
vms = vss.get_vms()
# create vm
req = vss.create_vm(os='ubuntu64Guest', built='os_install', 
                    description='Testing python wrapper', 


client='EIS', disks=[100, 100])
uuid = vss.wait_for_request(req['_links']['request'], 'vm_uuid', 'Processed')

By setting


the VSS_API_TOKEN environment variable and then executing the


 script and using as input args the function name


 followed by any parameters,


 the response is displayed


to stdout.

Code Block
python pyvss/ get_vms 'summary=1&name=pm'
[{u'_links': {u'self': u'<vm_uuid>'},
  u'cpuCount': 2,
  u'folder': {u'_links': {u'self': u''},
              u'moref': u'group-v519',
              u'name': u'Public',
              u'parent': u'API'},
  u'guestFullName': u'Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)',
  u'ipAddress': u'<ip_addr>',
  u'memoryMB': 4096,
  u'name': u'1502P-pm',
  u'overallStatus': u'green',
  u'powerState': u'poweredOn',
  u'storageB': 96637166467,
  u'uuid': u'<vm_uuid>'}]