Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Anything larger than 300GiB may cause delay or even fail due to the overhead to the environment. In this case, we recommend following the process described below:

\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions

  1. If you have an OVA, you’d need to unzip/untar.

    1. For nix users:

      Code Block
       tar -xvf vm-1.ova
    2. For windows users:

      1. Update the extension from ova to zip.

      2. Extract the contents and you will have an ovf file and vmdk file(s).

  2. Upload the VMDK files via either the vss-cli or

    Code Block
    # with the vss-cli
    vss-cli stor ul vm-disk-1.vmdk
    Upload vm-disk-1.vmdk to /vm-disk-1.vmdk in progress ⏫
    Upload complete to vm-disk-1.vmdk, etag=e1a011438b19a919cea1bb5b632bfe7f-110, version-id=None ✅
    # with scp and your vss credentials
    scp vm-disk-1.vmdk {username}
  3. Publish (sync) the vmdk files to the ITS Private Cloud either via the Portal or the vss-cli:

    1. Follow steps listed

    2. Run the following command:

      Code Block
      vss-cli compute vmdk personal sync
      id                  : 66
      status              : SUBMITTED
      task_id             : c8ac46c3-47b7-4c1b-9ed4-5069260f3242
      message             : Request has been accepted for processing
  4. List available files:

    Code Block
      id  path                                                                                            name
    ----  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------
     134  [vss-Users] vskey/josem/storage/ut-vss/vm-disk-1.vmdk                                           vm-disk-1.vmdk
  5. Deploy a shell (empty) vm:

    Code Block
    vss-cli compute vm mk shell --folder group-v0000 \
    --memory 4 --disk 1 --os windows9Server64Guest \
    --net dvportgroup-1111 --description 'Super large server' \
    --cpu 2 --client Client vm-imported
  6. Delete the empty 1GiB disk:

    Code Block
    vss-cli compute vm set vm-12345 disk rm 1​
  7. Create a new disk backed by the OVF vmdk aka, import disk from vskey-stor:

    Code Block
    vss-cli compute vm set vm-369270 disk mk \
    --disk '{"capacity_gb": 800, "backing_mode": "persistent", "backing_vmdk":134}'​


Disk transfers with this methodology are faster but the conversion process, may take a couple of hours based on the size.

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