REST API is moving from port 8001/8003 to standard HTTPS (443)

Last year, when the EIS Virtual Cloud RESTful API launched, it was running on Docker 1.11 where binding ports to hosts had to be unique, and we decided to use port 8001 over HTTPS as the main address.

Early January, 2017 we redesigned our Docker infrastructure to the latest release v1.13 in Swarm Mode which provided lots of improvements and more flexibility in hosting micro services in stacks. Additionally, we implemented Traefik as the HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer, which contributed to one of our goals in unifying two micro services, the main API service (8001) and the Open API Specification documentation (8003), in one single resource over the standard HTTPS port 443.

Today, we have made available, along with a new version of PyVSS using the new standard HTTPS resource endpoint.The following table, summarizes what has changed:

 DescriptionOld URINew URI


The legacy ports 8001/8003 will be available until February 28th, 2017, so we encourage you to either update the endpoint in your scripts or upgrade to PyVss v0.8.0.

Thank you, and please, let us know if you experience any trouble getting to the REST API.