VSS Command Line Interface v0.2.1

VSSCLI v0.2.1 is available for download via PyPI or GitLab. Latest version includes the following improvements: 


  • We have simplified the command to update virtual machine disks and split the removal, update and creation in subcommands:

    vss compute vm set <uuid> disk
    vss compute vm set <uuid> disk
    Usage: vss compute vm set disk [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      Manage virtual machine disks. Add, expand and remove virtual disks.
      --help  Show this message and exit.
      mk  Create new disk
      rm  Remove disk from vm
      up  Update disk capacity
  • We have simplified the command to update virtual machine network adapters and split the removal, update and creation in subcommands:

    vss compute vm set <uuid> nic
    vss compute vm set <uuid> nic
    Usage: vss compute vm set nic [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      Add, remove or update virtual machine network adapters
      vss compute vm set <uuid> nic mk --network <net-moref>
      --help  Show this message and exit.
      mk  Create NIC unit
      rm  Remove NIC unit
      up  Update NIC unit
  • Listing virtual machines gets better by sorting results by uuid, name or if summary is requested by other attributes:

    vss compute vm ls
    Usage: vss compute vm ls [OPTIONS]
      List virtual machine instances.
      Filter and sort list by name, ip address dns or path. For example:
      vss compute vm ls -f name VM -s -o name
      -f, --filter <TEXT TEXT>...  filter list by name, ip, dns or path
      -s, --summary                display summary
      -p, --page                   page results in a less-like format
      -n, --no-header              hide header
      -q, --quiet                  display only uuid
      -o, --sort TEXT              sort by name or uuid. If summary is enabled,
                                   sort by more attributes.
      --help                       Show this message and exit.
  • Listing ISOsFloppies or Images can be sorted now by name or path.

Remember, VSSCLI documentation is now available in EIS - VSS - VSSCLI

Upgrade or install PyVSS as follows:

# upgrade
pip install vsscli --upgrade

# install
pip install vsscli

Docker images available: uofteis/vsscli:py27:

docker run --it -v /tmp:/data \
-e VSS_API_USER=user_here -e VSS_API_USER_PASS=user_pass_here \
uofteis/vsscli bash

For more information, please refer to the official documentation site.