VSS Command Line Interface v0.3.2

VSSCLI v0.3.2 is available for download via PyPI or GitLab. Latest version includes the following new features and bug fixes:

  • New features
    • Manually enable or disable CPU hot-add/hot-remove to a given virtual machine:

      # Enable/Disable CPU Hot-Add
      vss compute vm set <uuid> cpu hot-add on
      vss compute vm set <uuid> cpu hot-add off
      # Enable/Disable CPU Hot-Remove 
      vss compute vm set <uuid> cpu hot-remove on
      vss compute vm set <uuid> cpu hot-remove off

      CPU hot-remove should be supported at OS level.

    • Manually enable or disable Memory hot-add:

      # Enable/Disable Memory Hot-Add
      vss compute vm set <uuid> memory hot-add on
      vss compute vm set <uuid> memory hot-add off

      All new virtual machines have hot-add enabled. This is useful for old virtual machines.

  • Improvements
    • Resize virtual machine memory with vss compute vm set memory size

      # previous versions
      vss compute vm set <uuid> memory <memory-gb>
      # now with latest version
      vss compute vm set <uuid> memory size <memory-gb>

    • Update virtual machine cpu count with vss compute vm set cpu count

      # previous versions
      vss compute vm set <uuid> cpu <cpu-count>
      # now with latest version
      vss compute vm set <uuid> cpu count <cpu-count>
    • Removing module autoupgrade-ng since it didn't provide compatibility with python 3.6 and author doesn't seem to be maintaining it anymore. vss upgrade works now with pip only and should work on either python 2.7 and 3.5+
      pip uninstall autoupgrade-ng
      vss upgrade

Remember, VSSCLI documentation is now available in VSSCLI

Upgrade or install PyVSS as follows:

# from version 0.2.5 you can run
vss upgrade
# upgrade with pip
pip install vsscli --upgrade

# install
pip install vsscli

Docker images available: uofteis/vsscli:py27:

docker run -it -v /tmp:/data \
-e VSS_API_USER=user_here -e VSS_API_USER_PASS=user_pass_here \
uofteis/vsscli bash

For more information, please refer to the official documentation site.