New Request
New Request
TK stores the Cloud API Token generated as a result of the following POST request to the /auth/request-token resource:
curl -X POST https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/auth/request-token -u <username>
For example, extracting the token with the jq command:
TK=$(curl -X POST https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/auth/request-token -u <username> | jq '.token')
To list your new requests, do a GET request to /request resource as follows:
http GET https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/request/new "Authorization: Bearer $TK" curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $TK" https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/request/new