In order to keep track of your activity, the ITS Private Cloud API provides resources to manage your user account request and token history, as well as notification and role settings and additional information such as last access and related system's data including vCenter and VSKEY5.
The following table shows a brief description and HTTP methods allowed to interact with the user account data:
Resource | URI | Description | GET | POST | PUT | DELETE | PATCH | OPTIONS |
User | /user | User Management resource. | ||||||
Roles | /user/role | User roles: access and request | ||||||
Settings | /user/setting | Account settings | ||||||
Notification Settings | /user/setting/notification | Notification settings | ||||||
Request notification settings | /user/setting/notification/request | Request notification settings | ||||||
Notification format | /user/setting/notification/format | Notification format | ||||||
Weekly digests | /user/setting/digest | Digest settings | ||||||
Tokens | /user/token | Account tokens | ||||||
User Images | /user/image | ISO, Floppy and OVA/OVF vm images | ||||||
User ISOs | /user/image/iso | ISO images | ||||||
User Floppies | /user/image/floppy | Floppy images | ||||||
User OVF/OVM | /user/image/vm | OVA/OVF vm images |
Remember, you can also show what methods are allowed and method description, parameters, etc. by making an OPTIONS HTTP request to /v2/user.
http OPTIONS "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/user" curl -X OPTIONS "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/user"