VSSCLI v0.2.7 is available for download via PyPI or GitLab. Latest version includes the following new features and bug fixes:

  • Improvements
    • Manage virtual machine snapshots with actions divided into commands mk to create, rm to delete and re to revert.

      vss compute vm set <uuid> snapshot --help
      Usage: vss compute vm set snapshot [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      Manage virtual machine snapshots. Create, delete and revert virtual
      machine snapshot on a given date and time.
      --help  Show this message and exit.
      mk  Create snapshot
      re  Revert snapshot
      rm  Remove snapshot
    • For example, create snapshot is as simple as described in the following command:

      vss compute vm set 50128d83-0fcc-05e3-be71-d972ffdf3284 snapshot mk \
      --description 'Before doing a difficult upgrade' --timestamp '2017-03-14 22:30' \
      --lifetime 24
    • To revert, issue the re command:

      vss compute vm set 50128d83-0fcc-05e3-be71-d972ffdf3284 snapshot re <snapshot-id>
    • To delete, use the rm command:

      vss compute vm set 50128d83-0fcc-05e3-be71-d972ffdf3284 snapshot rm <snapshot-id>

Remember, VSSCLI documentation is now available in EIS - VSS - VSSCLI

Upgrade or install PyVSS as follows:

# from version 0.2.5 you can run
vss upgrade
# upgrade
pip install vsscli --upgrade

# install
pip install vsscli

Docker images available: uofteis/vsscli:py27:

docker run -it -v /tmp:/data \
-e VSS_API_USER=user_here -e VSS_API_USER_PASS=user_pass_here \
uofteis/vsscli bash

For more information, please refer to the official documentation site.