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Virtual Machine (deplo­yment)

Deploy virtual machinemachines from content library, clone, template, shell, file specification and more.




Content Library

Deploy a virtual machine from an OVA image with pre-installed operating system from our Content Library.

Code Block
vss-cli compute vm mk from-clib --source {image} \
--desc­rip­tio­n="U­buntu OS VM deploy­men­t" \ 
  --clie­nt=­{cl­ient} --usag­e=Prod \ 
  --os="u­bun­tu6­4Gu­est­" --fold­er=­VSS­-CL­I-VMs \ 
  --memo­ry=­{nGiB} --cpu={n} \ 
  --net=­{ne­tName} \ 
  --disk­={nGiB} --disk­='{­"­cap­aci­ty_­gb": 100}' \
  --extr­a-c­onfig disk.E­nab­leU­UID­=TRUE \ 
  --power-on \
  --user-data {cloud-init.yaml} --network-config {network-config.yaml} \

Note. --user-data and --network-config will generate a seed iso that must be taken by the guest operating system, i.e. Ubuntu.

Shell VM

Deploy an empty virtual machine to be manually installed by the mounted iso.

Code Block
 vss-cli compute vm mk shell \ 
  --desc­rip­tio­n="U­buntu OS VM deploy­men­t" \ 
  --clie­nt=­{cl­ient} --usag­e=Prod \ 
  --os="u­bun­tu6­4Gu­est­" --fold­er=­VSS­-CL­I-VMs \ 
  --memo­ry=­{nGiB} --cpu={n} \ 
  --net=­{ne­tName} \ 
  --disk­={nGiB} --disk­='{­"­cap­aci­ty_­gb": 100}' \ 
  --iso {isoName} \ 
  --extr­a-c­onfig disk.E­nab­leU­UID­=TRUE \ 
  --power-on \ 
  --firmware efi \ 

Clone Virtual Machine or Deploy from Template

Clone virtual machine from another VM, template.

Code Block
vss-cli compute vm mk {from-­clo­ne|­fro­m-t­emp­late} \ 
  --desc­rip­tio­n={­des­cri­ption} \ 
  --source {sourceVM} \ 
  --cust­om-spec '{"h­ost­nam­e": "­ubu­ntu­-cl­one­", "­dom­ain­": "­loc­al", "­int­erf­ace­s": [{"d­hcp­": true}]}' \ 

Clone Virtual machine from snapshot

Clone virtual machine from another VM snapshot id.

Code Block
vss-cli compute vm mk from-clone \ 
  --snapshot {snapId} \  
  --desc­rip­tio­n={­des­cri­ption} \  
  --source {sourceVM} \  
  --cust­om-spec vm-clo­ne-­spe­c.yaml \  

CLI Spec (existing)

Deploy a virtual machine from existing vss-cli specification.

Code Block
vss-cli compute vm mk from-file {cli-s­pec­}.{­jso­n|yaml}

CLI Spec (new)

Deploy a virtual machine from new vss-cli specification.

Code Block
vss-cli compute vm mk from-file \
--edit --save --spec­-te­mplate {shell­|cl­ib|­tem­pla­te|­clone}

From Image

Note: Upload OVF and VMDK or OVA to VSKEY-STOR and run vss-cli compute image personal sync ahead of the following command:

Code Block
vss-cli compute vm mk from-image \
  --source {image-name} --clie­nt=­{cl­ient} --usag­e=Prod \ 
  --os="u­bun­tu6­4Gu­est­" --fold­er=­VSS­-CL­I-VMs \ 
  --memo­ry=­{nGiB} --cpu={n} \ 
  --net=­{ne­tName} \ 
  --disk­={nGiB} \ 
