- Blue Screens - Older version of Windows
- VM State is “powered on” but VMWare tool status shows “Not Running”
- Unable to login to OS even with correct credentials
- CPU Utilization pegs at 100%
vSphere Client
If you are having any of these symptoms above, please try to Reset VM (not “Restart Guest”) from vCenter vSphere Client menu and see problems are resolved.
Note |
"Restart Guest” may not work as it requires VMware Tools up and running. |
Or request the VM to be reset through the Change Request Form.
Using https://vss-cli.eis.utoronto.ca or a local VSS CLI install:
Look for the VM uuid.
Code Block vss compute vm ls -f name <vm-name>
Submit a request to reboot (VMware Tools running required) or power cycle the VM if not responsive.
Code Block vss compute vm set <uuid> state reset|reboot Host Name: hostname (Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)) IP Address:, Are you sure you want to change the state from "running to reset" of the above VM? [y/N]:
- Verify if the VM issues have been solved
VSS Portal
The VSS Portal only offers a way to power cycle the virtual machine. To do so, please do the following:
- Login to https://vss-portal.eis.utoronto.ca
- Search for the VM to change and click on the button.
- Toggle the "Power Status" button to OFF.
- Click on Save
- Wait a few seconds and repeat steps 2 to 4 but this time toggle the button to ON.
- Verify if the VM issues are resolved.