By sending requests to the Virtual Machine endpoint /v2/vm you can list, create, update or delete VMs. The Virtual Machine endpoint has the following methods available:
Resource | URI | Description | GET | POST | PUT | DELETE |
Virtual Machine | /vm | Virtual Machine management resource. Read, update, delete, create virtual machines. |
Remember, you can also show what methods are allowed and method description, parameters, etc. by making a GET HTTP request to /v2/vm.
http OPTIONS "" curl -X OPTIONS ""
On this page:
Single Virtual Machine
To create a new Virtual Machine, send a POST request to /v2/vm. The attribute values that must be set to successfully create a Virtual Machine are marked with a in the following table:
Attribute | Description | Type | Ref URI | Options | Default | Required |
admin_email | Administrator's email | string | - | - | User's email number submitting the request | - |
admin_name | Administrator's name | string | - | - | User's name number submitting the request | - |
admin_phone | Administrator's phone number | string | - | - | User's phone number submitting the request | - |
bill_dept | Billing Department | string | - | - | - | |
built_from | Build process. If you are installing OS from scratch use os_install. Clone when deploying a VM from a running or powered off virtual Machine. Template gives the ability to deploy multiple VMs at the same time. | string | - | os_install clone template image | - | |
cpu | CPU count | integer | - | - | 1 | - |
description | Short description of the service or application. This will be part of the annotations field. | string | - | - | - | |
disks | Disks in GigaBytes. | array | - | - | [40] | - |
high_io | If set to true,VM will be created with a VMware Paravirtual SCSIController. PVSCSI controllers are best suited for environments, especially SAN environments, running I/O-intensive applications. | boolean | - | True False | False | - |
domain | Fault domain moId (Managed Object Identifier) | string | /v2/domain | - | Fault Domain 3 | - |
folder | Folder moId (Managed Object Identifier) | string | /v2/folder | - | - | |
inform | Informational comma separated emails | string | - | - | User's email submitting the request | - |
iso | ISO image path to be mounted after creation | string | /v2/iso | - | None | - |
memory | Memory in GB | integer | - | - | 1 | - |
name | Human readable name without the VSS Prefix. This prefix will be added before creation. | string | - | - | Randomly generated | - |
networks | Network Managed Object Identifier (moId) array. Each network will be attached to a Network Adapter VMXNET3, the most recent virtual network device from VMware, and was designed from scratch for high performance and to support new features. | array | /v2/network | - | Unaccessible VLAN | - |
os | Supported guest operating system identifier. | string | /v2/os | - | - | |
usage | Virtual Machine usage. Prod for Production, Test for testing, QA for Quality Assurance, and Dev for Development. | string | - | Prod Test QA Dev | Test | - |
notes | Client notes to be stored in the annotation field. | string | - | - | - | - |
source_vm | Source Virtual Machine Uuid. | string |
| - | - | only with clone |
source_template | Source Virtual Machine Template Uuid. | string | /v2/template | - | - | only with template |
source_image | Source OVA/OVF Virtual Machine file stored in VSKEY-STOR | string | /v2/image | - | - | only with image |
user_data | Cloud-init user_data to preconfigure the guest os upon first boot. Note: Experimental feature and currently tested with Ubuntu Cloud Images and VMware Photon OS. Only supported on OVA/OVF deployments. | string | - | - | - | - |
extra_config | Allows to set VMware guestinfo interface properties which are available to the VM at boot time. These properties are stored within the VMX prefixed with guestinfo. Only supported on OVA/OVF deployments. | dict | - | - | - | - |
custom_spec | Customize a guest operating system to prevent conflicts if virtual machines are identical after deployed. To customize the guest operating system, you must configure the virtual machine and guest to meet VMware Tools and virtual disk requirements. | dict | - | - | - | recommended with clone and template deployment |
A new virtual machine can be created with as few as the following attributes in JSON format:
{"usage": "Prod", "os": "ubuntu64Guest", "built_from": "os_install", "bill_dept": "EIS", "description": "Java web application.", "folder": "group-v4122", "networks": ["dvportgroup-95", "dvportgroup-92"], "disks": [40, 100] }
http POST "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK" usage='Prod' os='ubuntu64Guest' built_from='os_install' bill_dept='EIS' description='Java web application.' folder='group-v4122' networks:='["dvportgroup-95", "dvportgroup-92"]' disks:='[40, 20]'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TK" -X POST "" -d '{"usage": "Prod", "os": "ubuntu64Guest", "built_from": "os_install", "bill_dept": "EIS", "description": "Java web application.", "folder": "group-v4122", "networks": ["dvportgroup-95", "dvportgroup-92"], "disks": [40, 100]}'
If the request was successfully submitted and all parameters were accepted, the following Response Status, Headers and body will be received:
HTTP/1.0 202 ACCEPTED Allow: HEAD, POST, OPTIONS, GET Content-Length: 364 Content-Type: application/json Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 18:24:23 GMT Location: X-RateLimit-Limit: 7200 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 7190 X-RateLimit-Reset: 1461697200
Note that you will receive as well additional Hypermedia links contained in the _links attribute. Request object is the new virtual machine creation request which stores all parameters previously submitted and Task, is the unique task in charged of processing your request. Request and Task are both related, in terms of status, errors and warnings. Request will store any status or errors caught by the task, also it will pass the recently created VM Uuid.
Request processing is almost instantaneous, however you could check the task progress by making a HTTP GET request to any given /v2/request/task/<task_id> endpoint.
Checking the overall status of the request and also the resulting Uuid can be done by making a HTTP GET request to /v2/request/new/8 endpoint:
Multiple Virtual Machines
To create multiple Virtual Machines, send a POST request to /v2/vm. Creating multiple VMs is quite similar to creating a single VM, but instead of sending name as a string, send names as an array and select the right built process, either clone or template. The following request body is used to deploy three VM from a VM template:
{"bill_dept": "EIS", "built_from": "template", "description": "Ubuntu cluster", "os": "ubuntu64Guest", "folder": "group-v4122", "source_template": "50123c4c-c810-5c0f-6203-eac67f0cb7e8", "names": ["Ubuntu1", "Ubuntu2", "Ubuntu3"], "networks": ["dvportgroup-95", "dvportgroup-92"], "disks": [40, 100]}
The main difference between selecting clone or template as built process is that a source VM Template can deploy multiple instances concurrently, whereas a VM Clone can only be deployed concurrently when the source Virtual Machine is powered off. If VM is powered On, it can only be cloned one at a time.
http POST "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK" os='ubuntu64Guest' built_from='template' bill_dept='EIS' description='Ubuntu cluster' folder='group-v4122' networks:='["dvportgroup-95", "dvportgroup-92"]' disks:='[40, 100]' names:='["Ubuntu1", "Ubuntu2", "Ubuntu3"]' source_template=50123c4c-c810-5c0f-6203-eac67f0cb7e8
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TK" -X POST "" -d '{"bill_dept": "EIS", "built_from": "template", "description": "Ubuntu cluster", "os": "ubuntu64Guest", "folder": "group-v4122", "source_template": "50123c4c-c810-5c0f-6203-eac67f0cb7e8", "names": ["Ubuntu1", "Ubuntu2", "Ubuntu3"], "networks": ["dvportgroup-95", "dvportgroup-92"], "disks": [40, 100]}'
HTTP/1.0 202 ACCEPTED Allow: HEAD, POST, OPTIONS, GET Content-Length: 682 Content-Type: application/json Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 14:16:42 GMT X-RateLimit-Limit: 7200 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 7191 X-RateLimit-Reset: 1461769200
The main difference between single and multiple vm creation/deployment is the number of requests and tasks returned by the API. In this case, since we required three VMs, we get the same number of requests and tasks as a result of the POST request, which can be queried individually to verify its progress or result.
Request processing is almost instantaneous, however you could check the task progress by making a HTTP GET request to any given /v2/request/task/<task_id> endpoint.
Checking the overall status of the requests and also the resulting Uuid can be done by making a HTTP GET request to /v2/request/new/26 - 28 endpoint:
Virtual machines
In order to list all your Virtual Machines you should make a HTTP GET request to the endpoint /v2/vm:
The following examples use HTTPie and CURL to request ALL Virtual Machine managed by given user without filters:
http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK" curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TK" -X GET ""
HTTP response data would look something like:
If you wish to display a quick summary in your main VM list, just include summary=1 in the query string as follows:
http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK" curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TK" -X GET ""
Included attributes are described in the following table:
Name | Type | Description |
uuid | string | 128-bit UUID of a virtual machine, represented as a hexademical string. This identifier is used by VirtualCenter to uniquely identify all virtual machine instances, including those that may share the same SMBIOS UUID. |
name | string | Virtual Machine name including VSS prefix. |
guestFullName | string | This is the full name of the guest operating system for the virtual machine. For example: Windows 2000 Professional. |
ipAddress | string | Primary IP address assigned to the guest operating system, if known. |
memoryGB | integer | Memory size of the virtual machine, in Gigabytes. |
cpuCount | integer | Number of processors in the virtual machine. |
overallStatus | string | VM general "health" value:
powerState | string | The current power state of the virtual machine. The state could be: poweredOff or poweredOn |
provisionedGB | integer | Sum of Committed and Uncommitted storage. |
folder | object | Folder object which contains current VM |
Virtual Machines can be sorted mainly by name and uuid as follows:
http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK" http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK"
However, if summary=1 is included in the query string, there are more attributes the virtual machines can be sorted by:
- name
- uuid
- folder
- overallStatus
- powerState
- memoryGB
- cpuCount
- guestFullName
And then, they can be included in the sort attribute as shown below:
http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK" http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK"
The main Virtual Machine resource has four main filters to narrow down the number of VMs shown in the result or to locate a VM by hostname or ip address.
Name | Description |
name | Virtual Machine name string to filter VMs |
ip | Primary IP address assigned to the Guest operating system. |
dns | Hostname of the guest operating system. |
path | Inventory path in the following format EIS-DCB/vm/Public/jm/APIDemo/1605T-VMTest_1 |
summary | Enables VM summary in results. |
The following examples show how to implement a GET request with the first three parameters shown below. The result is similar to the previous section.
http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK" http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK" http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK" http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK"
Filtering by name can be done as follows:
http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK"
HTTP response data would look something like:
From now on, you will need the UUID of any virtual machine, provided by the either the uuid attribute or in the "_links" section, to get further information and eventually to modify its configuration.
Specific virtual machine info
Some of the attributes will have an object value. Such is the case of guest, hardware, network, config and vss.
Name | Type | Description |
uuid | string | VirtualCenter-specific 128-bit UUID of a virtual machine, represented as a hexademical string. This identifier is used by VirtualCenter to uniquely identify all virtual machine instances, including those that may share the same SMBIOS UUID. |
name | string | Virtual Machine name including VSS prefix. |
Config | VM Configuration | |
bootdelay | integer | Delay in milliseconds before starting the boot sequence. The boot delay specifies a time interval between virtual machine power on or restart and the beginning of the boot sequence. |
os | string | Operating system configured in the virtual machine |
Folder | Logical Folder | |
name | string | Immediate folder holding VM |
parent | string | Parent folder holding the VM |
path | string | Full path to immediate folder |
moref | string | Managed object reference to parent folder |
Guest | Guest status and configuration | |
guestFullName | string | This is the full name of the guest operating system for the virtual machine. For example: Windows 2000 Professional. |
guestId | string | Guest operating system configured on a virtual machine. |
hostName | string | Hostname of the guest operating system, if known. |
ipAddress | string | List of IP address assigned to the guest operating system, if known. |
toolsStatus | string | Current running status of VMware Tools in the guest operating system, if known. |
Note | Virtual Machine Metadata | |
note | string | Virtual Machine full annotation |
client | string | Client notes |
Name | ||
full_name | string | VM full name including VSS prefix. |
Hardware | Virtual Machine Hardware configuration | |
cpuCount | integer | Number of processors in the virtual machine. |
coresPerSocket | integer | Number of cores used to distribute virtual CPUs among sockets in this virtual machine. If the value is unset it implies to numCoresPerSocket = 1. |
memoryMB | integer | Memory size of the virtual machine, in megabytes. |
devices | string | List of strings holding controllers, cd/dvd, disks and nics configured in the VM |
version | string | The version string for this virtual machine. |
Storage | Storage summary | |
provisionedGB | integer | Sum of Committed and Uncommitted storage. |
uncommittedGB | integer | Additional storage space, in bytes, potentially used by this virtual machine on all datastores. |
committedGB | integer | Total storage space, in bytes, committed to this virtual machine across all datastores. |
unsharedGB | integer | Total storage space, in bytes, occupied by the virtual machine across all datastores, that is not shared with any other virtual machine. |
State | Runtime status related attributes | |
overallStatus | string | VM general "health" value:
powerState | string | The current power state of the virtual machine. |
alarms | boolean | Whether the VM has triggered alarms. |
Snapshot | Virtual Machine Snapshot information | |
exist | boolean | Whether the current virtual machine has Snapshots |
VSS | VSS Metadata | |
Admin | string | Admin responsible of this VM. |
Client | string | Custom client key-value notes. |
http GET "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK"
HTTP response data would look something like:
Single Virtual Machine
To delete an existent Virtual Machine, send a DELETE request to /v2/vm/<vm_uuid> and a change request to decommission requested VM will be submitted.
http DELETE "" "Authorization: Bearer $TK"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TK" $TK -X DELETE ""
HTTP/1.0 202 ACCEPTED Allow: HEAD, DELETE, OPTIONS, GET Content-Length: 398 Content-Type: application/json Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2016 15:32:55 GMT Location: X-RateLimit-Limit: 7200 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 7195 X-RateLimit-Reset: 1461859200
Request processing is almost instantaneous, however you could check the task progress by making a HTTP GET request to any given /v2/request/task/<task_id> endpoint.
Checking the overall status of the requests and also its result can be done by making a HTTP GET request to /v2/request/change/26 - 28 endpoint: