Moving REST API and Py-VSS support from Slack to GitLab

Last year, we introduced the VSS API slack channel to provide support of matters related to the VSS API, Py-VSS and other VSS related topics and although response has been very successful, we realized that providing support via Slack might not be the most efficient approach for us. Slack is great for communicating with your team, but we don't think is made to provide customer support simply because keeping track of every customer request, along with the context, might be a little too hard for our team. Instead, we will be shifting to EIS GitLab instance via the well known issues feature. 

The EIS GitLab instance is reachable either via the VSS-VPN or most of the wired UofT networks (please, let us know if you believe the subnet you're on should have access). In order to login, you'd use your VSS credentials which you should already have, or if you are a new customer please send us an email.

Now, creating an issue is quite simple. After you have successfully logged in, click on browse projects, select VSS/py-vss, click on Issues and then select New Issue

Fill out Title and Description (description can be formatted in Markdown) and save issue bu clicking on Submit issue.

We will update the issue and address your question/problem as soon as possible.


We are moving from Slack to GitLab Issue to provide support.

If you have any question, problem or comment related to the REST API or Py-VSS, please refer to the Py-VSS Gitlab Issues section and create an issue by following the steps listed below:

  1. Login to GitLab
  2. Go to Py-VSS Gitlab Issues
  3. Click on the New issue button on the right side of your screen.
  4. At the very minimum, add a title and a description to your issue.
  5. When ready, click on Submit issue.