🐧 Instructions for Linux
Login to the client you are planning to upgrade.
Fetch the installer from the VSS Users Storage. Replace
with your VSS Username.# Ubuntu/debian based scp $USER@vskey-stor.eis.utoronto.ca:ut-vss-lib/networker/pub/networker/LINUX/nw191002_linux_x86_64/lgtoclnt_19.10.0.2_amd64.deb /root/ # Red Hat based scp $USER@vskey-stor.eis.utoronto.ca:ut-vss-lib/networker/pub/networker/LINUX/nw191002_linux_x86_64/lgtoclnt- /root/
Proceed to install the package:
# Ubuntu/debian based sudo dpkg -i /root/lgtoclnt_19.10.0.2_amd64.deb # Red Hat based yum localinstall --nogpgcheck /root/lgtoclnt- dnf install
Check if
package has been installed successfully:# Ubuntu/debian based pkg -l | grep lgto # Red Hat based rpm -qa | grep lgto
You should get a smilier output:
# debian based ii lgtoclnt amd64 NetWorker Client # Red Hat Based lgtoclnt-
After the install, make sure the NetWorker client is running:
systemctl status networker
Submit an echo request by following this link How-to check UTORrecover client connectivity.
The echo request result should be marked as Processed to be successful.