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How-to upgrade your Microsoft Windows 10 VM to 11 on the ITS Private Cloud (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
How-to Convert Windows 10/2016+ Build 1703 or later VSS VM from BIOS to UEFI (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
How-to Deploy Windows Virtual Machines using a Golden Image, Templates and Guest OS Specification. (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
Guest OS customization runs on Windows Guests (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
Upgrade your Microsoft Windows 10 VM to 11 on the ITS Private Cloud (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
Windows Guest OS encounters BSOD after Virtual Machine is vMotioned to ESXi 7.0+ (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
Network Interfaces cannot be detected on Windows Guests (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
Guidelines and supported configurations for Microsoft Windows Clustering on vSphere (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)
Windows Installer Wizard cannot detect virtual Disks using Paravirtual SCSI Controller (Virtualization, Servers and Storage)