


The /v2/session resource provides a list of valid vCenter sessions of the user making the request.

Session/sessionCurrent user vCenter active sessions(tick)

On this page:

TK stores the Cloud API Token generated as a result of the following POST request to the /auth/request-token resource:

curl -X POST https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/auth/request-token -u <username>

For example, extracting the token with the jq command:

TK=$(curl -X POST https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/auth/request-token -u <username> | jq -r '.token')


Enumerating current user valid vCenter sessions can be done by making a GET request to /v2/session resource, which in case the user actually has at least one valid session, a list of JSON objects with the following attributes will be the result:

keystringvCenter session key
usernamestringFull username including domain associated with session
_linksobjectContains reference to current session to display further information

The following examples implements HTTPie and CURL to list valid vCenter sessions:

http GET "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/session" "Authorization: Bearer $TK"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TK" -X GET "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/session"
Response Body
    "_links": {
        "api": "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/",
        "self": "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/session"
    "data": [
            "_links": {
                "self": "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/session/521615fc-1b09-bee9-0350-2a79568f4ad0"
            "key": "521615fc-1b09-bee9-0350-2a79568f4ad0",
            "username": "VSKEY5\\josem"
    "meta": {
        "count": 1,
        "time": "0.00801s",
        "user": "josem"

Getting additional information about specific session can be done appending the session key to the /v2/session URI as follows:

http GET "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/session/521615fc-1b09-bee9-0350-2a79568f4ad0" "Authorization: Bearer $TK"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TK" -X GET "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/session/521615fc-1b09-bee9-0350-2a79568f4ad0"

Additional attributes will be shown as a result and are described in the following table:

domainstringAuthentication domain (usually VSKEY).
ipstringIP address of remote client.
lastActiveTimestringTimestamp of last active time
lastActiveTimeDeltastringTime delta of last active time to now.
loginTimestringTimestamp when login.
loginTimeDeltastringTime delta of login time to now.

What application is connected to vCenter.

  • VMware VI Client - vSphere Windows Client
Response Body
    "_links": {
        "self": "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/session/521615fc-1b09-bee9-0350-2a79568f4ad0",
        "session": "https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca/v2/session"
    "data": [
            "domain": "VSKEY5",
            "ip": "",
            "lastActiveTime": "2016-05-09 10:58:21",
            "lastActiveTimeDelta": "0:13:59.079416",
            "loginTime": "2016-04-15 11:11:28",
            "loginTimeDelta": "24 days, 0:00:51.439527",
            "userAgent": "VMware VI Client/4.0",
            "username": "VSKEY5\\josem"
    "meta": {
        "count": 1,
        "time": "0.03858s",
        "user": "josem"