VSS-CLI v2023.2.0 is available for download via https://pypi.org/project/vss-cli/  or GitLab (internal). Latest version includes the following improvements and bug fixes:


compute vm get/set vss-preference: manage VSS preferences in virtual machine metadata (#597)


  • compute vm get <id> vss-preference

  • compute vm set <id> vss-preference --action=add|del <preference>


There are times we need to balance workload in our environment or perform preventive maintenance and these examples, require moving virtual machines from datastore cluster to another. Some workloads are more susceptible to IO than others and may be impacted when moved from SSD to HDD backed datastore clusters. On that note, we have come up with a method set “preferences” in the virtual machine metadata that will help us identifying certain requirements and most importantly, do our best to honour them.

For this first iteration, we are introducing the ssd preference, which specifies that a given VM preferred storage is ssd. To set this value, use the following command:

vss-cli compute vm set <id> vss-preference ssd --action add

Once set, you could verify with the following commands:

vss-cli compute vm get <id> vss-preference preferences : ssd


vss-cli --columns moref,folder.path,name,preferences,storage_type compute vm ls moref folder.path name preferences storage_type -------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------- -------------- vm-18151 VSS > Sandbox > jm 2208T-mystifying_meninsky ssd ssd vm-20159 VSS > Sandbox > jm 2209T-test-ubuntu-clone hdd

core: upgrade minio to 7.1.13. (#583)

core: upgrade pyvss to 2023.2.0. (#584)

Bug Fixes

compute vm mk from-file: additional_params incorrectly parsed name and file. (#595)

compute vm mk from-file: shell/ clib issue in template disks spec. (#598)


Remember, VSS-CLI documentation is now available in VSS-CLI and the full Change Log is available http://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/changelog.html#v2023-2-0-2023-02-16 . Upgrade or install VSS-CLI as follows:

For more information, please refer to the official documentation https://eis.utoronto.ca/~vss/vss-cli/ .

University of Toronto - Since 1827