ITS Private Cloud Customer Satisfaction Survey 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of our first Customer Satisfaction Survey 🎉. As part of our commitment to continuously improve our services, we are reaching out to hear directly from you.

TL;DR: Participate in our first ITS Private Cloud Customer Satisfaction Survey! It's quick (4 minutes), available until March 8, 2024, and your feedback will directly influence our services improvement.

Why Participate?

Your feedback is instrumental in shaping the future of ITS Private Cloud services. By participating in the survey, you have a direct impact on the enhancements of our services and the introduction of new features that are more important to you.

How To Participate?

A link to the survey has been sent to your email via the . Simply click on the “Start Now” button or the link , and you will be directed to the survey.


Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to receiving your insights!


University of Toronto - Since 1827