Ubuntu Pro for the ITS Private Cloud Update

Back in June 2023 we launched Ubuntu Pro for the ITS Private Cloud https://eis-vss.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VSSPublic/blog/2023/06/26/1333133316 offering our partners significant enhancements in:

  1. Enhanced Security. Ubuntu Pro brings an array of advanced security features, including kernel live patching, extended security maintenance, access to security updates for 30,000+ packages, etc.

  2. Performance Optimization. With Ubuntu Pro, VMs on Cluster FD1 and FD3 can benefit from optimized resource utilization, resulting in improved performance and efficiency.

  3. Streamlined Management. Ubuntu Pro includes powerful management tools that simplify the administration of large-scale VM deployments. Deploy your own Landscape server with this vss-cli recipe (https://github.com/EIS-ITS/ubuntu-landscape ) and streamline patch management.

What’s new?

We are happy to announce that we made available more licenses to support Ubuntu Pro on cluster FD1.

FD1 and FD3 are licensed to run Ubuntu Pro.

This move aims to provide a second compute domain to place virtual machines and strengthen Ubuntu security and Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) to existing virtual machines running Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 while you plan and upgrade to the latest LTS version.

Source: Ubuntu Pro

Review your VMs

If you are curious about your virtual machines version of Ubuntu, here’s a vss-cli command to get

vss-cli --columns=moref,name,folder.path,guest_full_name,guest_detailed_data,'networks[*].name',admin,power_state,domain.name compute vm ls -f guest_detailed_data='Ubuntu 1' -s folder.path -s admin

The previous command looks for powered on virtual machines running “Ubuntu 1*”. This attribute is provided by the VMware Tools (open-vm-tools) package.'

Getting no results is ideal. However, if you find any Ubuntu 16 or 18 instances, it is highly recommended to activate Ubuntu Pro to get Extended Security Maintenance.

Activate Ubuntu Pro



Please feel free to reach out at vss-ubuntu-pub@eis.utoronto.ca

University of Toronto - Since 1827