How-to enable Ubuntu Pro on your VM

How-to enable Ubuntu Pro on your VM

Take advantage of the new Ubuntu Pro offering from the ITS Private Cloud to enable Enhanced Security, Performance Optimization and Streamlined Management by following the next steps.

Virtual Machines running on the following domains are entitled to Ubuntu Pro:

  • FD1

  • FD3

  • FD4


  1. ITS Private Cloud Command Line Interface vss-cli v2023.6.1 or higher:

    vss-cli upgrade # or pip3 install --upgrade vss-cli # or brew update && brew upgrade vss-cli
  2. VM Running on any Cluster listed above. To verify where your VM is running:

    vss-cli compute vm get {vm_id-or-name} domain
  3. If your VM is not currently running on clusters listed above, do not worry, just request a migration to FD3, for example, and proceed to next step:

    vss-cli --wait compute vm set {vm_id-or-name} domain FD3
  4. Open VMware Tools installed and running. Install and enable VMware Tools as follows:

Obtain your VM id or name by using the following lookup command:: vss-cli compute vm ls -f ip_address=X.X.X.X which search by IP address and vss-cli compute vm ls -f hostname=myhostname searching by Hostname or simply listing all your VMs with vss-cli compute vm ls.


Ubuntu Pro activation is recommended via the ITS Private Cloud on-premise server, although connecting to Canonical Cloud servers offers a simpler alternative.

ITS Private Cloud (Recommended)

  1. To activate your existing virtual instances, just execute the following vss-cli command:

  2. From Ubuntu, execute the following commands to enable Ubuntu Pro:

  3. Install livepatch from snap as follows:

  4. Update contract_url in /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf with on-premise instance.

  5. Enable pro with

  6. Configure on-premise livepatch:

  7. Enable on-premise livepatch:

  8. Run apt update:

Canonical Cloud

  1. To activate your existing virtual instances, just execute the following vss-cli command:

  2. From Ubuntu, execute the following commands to enable Ubuntu Pro:

  3. Enable pro with

  4. Run apt update:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Invalid Token error when running command: sudo pro attach $(vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.ut.vss.ubuntu_pro.token")


Ensure the virtual machine is running on any of the clusters listed above.


Run the following command through the vss-cli to attach Ubuntu Pro to your virtual machine


Once you receive the confirmation that the Ubuntu Pro token is set up, proceed with updating packages on the desired virtual machine using the following commands:


  1. Error: Failed to attach machine. See https://ubuntu.com/pro/dashboard" 

    Ensure you can connect to the contract url: https://vss-ubuntu-pro.eis.utoronto.ca

    Try the following command:


    If your output is different, this means that you have a firewall or proxy configuration that is not allowing you to connect to our Ubuntu Pro instance. Feel free to contact us to troubleshoot further this issue.


Please feel free to reach out at vss-ubuntu-pub@eis.utoronto.ca


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