How-to add a virtual disk to VM using vss-cli
How-to add a virtual disk to VM using vss-cli
(Optional) Depending on a setup/installation, we might want to activate a specific virtual environment:
. ~/venvs/vsscliENV4/bin/activate
Search for VM uuid by name:
(vsscliENV)$ vss-cli compute vm ls -f name casx2
uuid name
------------------------------------ ------------------
<uuid> 1306P-arborexcasx2
Get the current disks:
$ vss-cli compute vm get <uuid-or-vmname>
Uuid : <uuid>
Label : Hard disk 1
Capacity Gb : 300
Label : Hard disk 2
Capacity Gb : 3
Add 10GB disk
For more information, please refer to Manage Virtual Disks from the VSS CLI official documentation site.
University of Toronto - Since 1827