How-to Move a virtual machine to a new folder

How-to Move a virtual machine to a new folder

How-to move a virtual machine to a new folder.mp4



This guide will walk you through the process of moving a virtual machine to a new folder in the ITS Private Cloud Portal.

1. Introduction

By following the instructions to navigate, input data, confirm actions, and modify settings, users can efficiently move their virtual machines in seconds. First open a web browser and go to https://cloud-portal.eis.utoronto.ca


2. Click "Username"

Fill your username.

3. Fill "VSS username password"

Fill your username password.

4. Click "VSS TOTP Code"

Enter the VSS TOTP Code when prompted

5. Click "VERIFY"

Click on "VERIFY" to proceed

6. Edit the Virtual Machine Settings

Click on the "pencil" to Edit the VM settings

7. Click on "Folder"

Click on "Folder" to display all available items.

8. Select the "target" folder

Select the "Target" folder to move the virtual machine into.

9. Click "Update"

Click on "Update" to save changes

10. Click "Confirm"

Click on "Confirm" to confirm the action

11. Click here

Click on the "hamburger" icon to show the menu.

12. Click "History"

Select "History" to follow up the change request submitted.

13. Click "Change"

Click on "Change" to list change requests.

14. Hover on the "Status"

Hover on the "status" icon to display its value. Once the icon turns into a checkmark, the request has been completed successfully.

The guide covered the detailed steps required to move a virtual machine to a new folder within the ITS Private Cloud Portal.

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University of Toronto - Since 1827