Deploy and reconfigure Instance from Clone

Deploy and reconfigure Instance from Clone

This tutorial details how to deploy a virtual machine from either a running or a powered off virtual machine in the ITS Private Cloud and reconfigure the operating system (hostname, domain, gateway, dns, etc.) using the VSS CLI. It assumes you already have set up a VSS account with access to the REST API, a virtual machine with operating system and VMware Tools installed which will be the source virtual machine.

If you do not have a virtual machine with operating system installed, please refer to Deploying a Development Environment.

Source Virtual Machine

A source virtual machine can be either a powered on or off virtual machine. However, the power state is relevant in terms of deployment time. This is because when cloning a running virtual machine, first it creates a snapshot and then starts copying the data. Even though the memory data is not kept, it takes time to generate the snapshot. For this example, we will be using a powered on virtual machine with Ubuntu installed.

Optional* First obtain the vm identifier moref (managed object reference) of the source virtual machine:

This version of the VSS CLI supports managing virtual machines not only using the UUID and Moref but using names. In case of multiple results, the CLI prompts to select the right instance.

vss-cli compute vm ls -f name=Front moref name folder.path cpu_count memory_gb power_state ip_address ------- ---------------- ------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ------------ vm-2182 2004T-Frontend-1 VSS > Development > Dev03 1 1 poweredOff

Save the moref in MOREF environment variable.

Launch Instance

Launching an instance from-clone is simpler than shell since the from-clone command carbon copies source virtual machine specifications and creates an instance with just name and --description/-d, however to make this example more realistic, we will specify a different logical folder, otherwise the from-clone command will use the source virtual machine folder, network, disks and domain.

Run vss-cli compute vm mk from-clone --help to obtain the list of arguments and options required:

Usage: vss-cli compute vm mk from-clone [OPTIONS] [NAME] Clone virtual machine from running or powered off vm. If name argument is not specified, -clone suffix will be added to resulting virtual machine. Options: -s, --source TEXT Source virtual machine or template MOREF or UUID. [required] -d, --description TEXT A brief description. [required] -b, --client TEXT Client department. -a, --admin TEXT Admin name, phone number and email separated by `:` i.e. "John Doe:416-123-1234:john.doe@utoronto.ca" -r, --inform TEXT Informational contact emails in comma separated -u, --usage [Test|Prod|Dev|QA] Vm usage. -o, --os TEXT Guest operating system id. -m, --memory INTEGER Memory in GB. -c, --cpu INTEGER Cpu count. --cores-per-socket INTEGER Cores per socket. -f, --folder TEXT Logical folder moref name or path. --scsi TEXT SCSI Controller Spec <type>=<sharing>. -i, --disk TEXT Disk spec <capacity>=<backing_mode>=<backing_sharing>. optional: backing_mode, backing_sharing -n, --net TEXT Network adapter <moref-or-name>=<nic-type>. -t, --domain TEXT Target fault domain name or moref. --notes TEXT Custom notes. -p, --custom-spec TEXT Guest OS custom specification in JSON format. -e, --extra-config TEXT Extra configuration key=value format. --power-on Power on after successful deployment. --template Mark the VM as template after deployment. --vss-service TEXT VSS Service related to VM --instances INTEGER Number of instances to deploy [default: 1] -w, --firmware TEXT Firmware type. --tpm Add Trusted Platform Module device. --storage-type TEXT Storage type. --snapshot TEXT Snapshot to clone. --retire-type [timedelta|datetime] Retirement request type. --retire-warning INTEGER Days before retirement date to notify --retire-value TEXT Value for given retirement type. i.e. <hours>,<days>,<months> --help Show this message and exit.


Run vss-cli compute net ls to list available network segments to your account. You must have at least VL-1584-VSS-PUBLIC which is our public network.

This version of the VSS CLI supports managing networks not only using the moref, but also using names. In case of multiple results, the CLI prompts to select the right instance.

vss-cli compute net ls -f name=PUBLIC moref name description subnet ports ----------------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------- ------- dvportgroup-11052 VL-1584-VSS-PUBLIC VSS Public network 32

Save dvportgroup-11052 in NET environment variable:

By default, the network adapter will use vmxnet3 which provides ideal performance, however a few legacy operating systems does not have the drivers. In such case, you can specify which adapter type between: e1000e*, e1000, vmxnet2 or vmxnet3. To do so, append the adapter type to the network adapter network as follows:


Logical folders can be listed by running vss-cli compute folder ls. Select the target moref folder to store the virtual machine on:

Set the FOLDER environment variable to the target folder (the folder moref may vary):

Before proceeding to deploy the virtual machine, a guest operating system customization specification needs to be created.

Customization Spec

Customizing a guest operating system is helpful to prevent conflicts if virtual machines are identical after deployed. To customize the guest operating system, VMware Tools and Perl must be installed in the source virtual machine.

The vss-cli compute vm mk from-clone command provides the option -p/--custom-spec to pass the guest os customization spec, which is structured as follows:

Since we are running on a DHCP-enabled network, we will just update the hostname and domain. The customization spec added will be:

Serializing the above JSON structure would be something like:


At this point, we have all requirements to run vss-cli compute vm mk from-clone command to submit a deployment request. For this example, the request is made for 2GB of memory, 2 vCPU, 2x40GB disks and to reconfigure the hostname and domain.

Wait a few minutes until the virtual machine is deployed.

Access Virtual Machine

Since we added the --power-on option, the virtual machine should have been powered on right after the Guest Operating System Customization task completed.

In a few minutes the virtual machine will show the hostname and ip configuration by running vss-cli compute vm get <name-or-vm-id> guest:

The Guest Host Name shows that the hostname has been changed, and now you will be able to access via either ssh or the virtual machine console:

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University of Toronto - Since 1827