VSS Command Line Interface (vss-cli) v0.8.0🎉

VSS-CLI v0.8.0 is available for download via PyPI or GitLab. Latest version includes the following improvements and bug fixes:


core: pyvss v0.14.2 -> v0.14.4 (#304)

️account get groups: update to recent api changes: breaking. (#306)

account get group: update to recent api changes (group_name_desc_or_id is now required): breaking. (#307)

account get group member: new sub-command. (#308)

docker: base image upgrade to python:3.8-alpine. (#309)

Bug Fixes

compute vm set guest-cmd: --env option is sent empty (#302)

compute vm get memory: throws exception. (#303)

core: PEP8 check F541: f-string without any placeholders. (#305)

docker: image build broken due to dependency name change from man to man-pages. (#310)


Remember, VSS-CLI documentation is now available in VSS-CLI and the full Change Log is available here. Upgrade or install VSS-CLI as follows:

# using vss-cli
vss-cli upgrade 

# upgrade with pip
pip install vss-cli --upgrade

# install
pip install vss-cli 

For more information, please refer to the official documentation site.

University of Toronto - Since 1827