Annual FIS Codes Review

Annual FIS Codes Review

In our ongoing pursuit of operational excellence, we're gearing up for our annual review of Financial Information System (FIS) codes related to ITS Private Cloud accounts. This review ensures the accuracy and efficiency of our billing process as we transition into the new fiscal year.

Starting today, main contacts or business officers will receive an email from no-reply@eis.utoronto.ca, prompting them to either "Confirm" or "Edit" their clients' FIS codes as shown below:

CleanShot 2024-04-08 at 10.25.43-20240408-142627.png

For your convenience, simply click on the “Confirm” or “Edit” button and you will be redirected to the ITS Private Cloud Billing Portal. Please note that WebLogin is required and access to the portal is available only on-campus or via UTORvpn.

If you are unable to access the Billing Portal just reply to the email and we’ll be happy to make the updates on your behalf.

Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.


University of Toronto - Since 1827