How-to Request Virtual Machine Snapshot

For more information about snapshot management, please refer to the VSS Guidelines.

ITS Private Cloud Portal

  1. Login to

  2. Look for the VM to edit and click 

  3. Click on the Snapshot button:

  4. Select the date and time the snapshot will taken at:

  5. Select the lifetime for the snapshot (72 hours max):

  6. Click OK and you should see a snapshot request number at the bottom of the screen:

  7. You will get a confirmation email for the request submission, when the snapshot has been created and deleted.


Command-Line Interface (vss-cli)

The following steps should guide you through the process of requesting a virtual machine snapshot using either via or a local

  1. Run vss-cli configure to configure your VSS credentials. If you have already done this, please go to next step.

  2. Use the vss-cli compute vm set <name-or-vm-id> snapshot command to submit a snapshot request as follows:

    vss-cli compute vm set --wait {name-or-vm-id} snapshot --action mk \ --description "Before difficult upgrade" --timestamp "2020-04-27 16:53" \ --lifetime 72
  3. Once the request is submitted, you can follow up the request status with the vss-cli request snapshot command:

    vss-cli request snapshot ls --sort created_on,desc id created_on updated_on status vm_moref vm_name action snapshot.from_date snapshot.to_date ---- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------- ---------- --------------- -------- --------------------------- --------------------------- 10 2020-04-27 Mon 16:53:34 EDT 2020-04-28 Tue 16:52:00 EDT PROCESSED vm-2183 2004T-Frontend2 DONE 2020-04-27 Mon 16:53:00 EDT 2020-04-28 Tue 16:53:00 EDT


  4. You will get a confirmation email for the request submission, when the snapshot has been created and deleted.

  5. For more information about how to Revert or Delete a Snapshot using the CLI, please refer to the CLI documentation here.


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