VSS Command Line Interface (vss-cli) v0.1.1
VSS-CLI v0.1.1 is available for download via PyPI or GitLab. Latest version includes the following improvements and bug fixes:
+New configuration file with endpoint management and default parameters
In this version, we are introducing a new configuration file in YAML format which is more user friendly than the good old JSON. The YAML configuration file allow users to manually edit the file forgetting about the hassle of the JSON format, however we also provide the commands to enable/disable, update and manage multiple endpoints, for instance:
vss-cli configure Usage: vss-cli configure [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Configure VSS-CLI options. Options: --help Show this message and exit. Commands: edit Edit configuration file ls List existing configuration mk Create new configuration or add profile to config file set Update general settings attribute. upgrade Upgrade legacy config.json to yaml
You will notice an error message when trying to execute the vss-cli after upgrading, however, you can avoid it by executing vss-cli configure upgrade which will load the configuration and migrate automatically your previous endpoints to the latest version:
vss-cli compute vm ls error: VssCliError: Invalid configuration. Please, run "vss-cli configure mk" to initialize configuration, or "vss-cli configure upgrade" to upgrade legacy configuration. vss-cli configure upgrade Found 1 endpoints. Migrating to new configuration file. Successfully loaded 1 endpoints from legacy configuration. Would you like to upgrade 1 endpoint(s)? This action will create a new configuration file /home/jm/.vss-cli/config.yaml with your endpoints in it [y/N]: y Successfully migrated /home/jm/.vss-cli/config.json
Once migrated, list the existing configuration with vss-cli configure ls:
vss-cli configure ls NAME ENDPOINT USER PASS TOKEN SOURCE DEFAULT --------- --------------------------------- ------ -------- ----------------------- ----------- --------- cloud-api https://cloud-api.eis.utoronto.ca jm ******** eyJhbGciOi...aNF9BG74Ab config file / vss-api https://vss-api.eis.utoronto.ca config file
To read further about this feature, please refer to the official documentation.
+Improved Windows installation documentation
For more information see VSS-CLI installation
Upgrade or install PyVSS as follows:
# using vss-cli vss-cli upgrade # upgrade with pip pip install vss-cli --upgrade # install pip install vss-cli
For more information, please refer to the official documentation site.
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University of Toronto - Since 1827