VSS Command Line Interface (vss-cli) v0.3.0🎉

VSS Command Line Interface (vss-cli) v0.3.0🎉

VSS-CLI v0.3.0 is available for download via PyPI or GitLab. Latest version includes the following improvements and bug fixes:


Rename --bill-dept to --client (#210)


  • compute vm mk from-clone
  • compute vm mk from-file
  • compute vm mk from-spec
  • compute vm mk shell


Option --bill-dept has been renamed to --client to match the new VSS API specification.

Usage: vss-cli compute vm mk from-clone [OPTIONS] [NAME]

  Clone virtual machine from running or powered off vm. If name argument is
  not specified, -clone suffix will be added to resulting virtual machine

  -s, --source TEXT               Source virtual machine or template UUID.
  -d, --description TEXT          A brief description.  [required]
  -b, --client TEXT               Client department.
  -a, --admin TEXT                Admin name, phone number and email separated
                                  by `:` i.e. "John
  -r, --inform TEXT               Informational contact emails in comma
  -u, --usage [Test|Prod|Dev|QA]  Vm usage.
  -o, --os TEXT                   Guest operating system id.
  -m, --memory INTEGER            Memory in GB.
  -c, --cpu INTEGER               Cpu count.
  -f, --folder TEXT               Logical folder moref name or path.
  -i, --disk INTEGER              Virtual disks in GB.
  -n, --net TEXT                  Network adapter <moref-or-name>=<nic-type>.
  -t, --domain TEXT               Target fault domain name or moref.
  --notes TEXT                    Custom notes.
  -p, --custom-spec TEXT          Guest OS custom specification in JSON
  -e, --extra-config TEXT         VMWare Guest Info Interface in JSON format.
  --vss-service TEXT              VSS Service related to VM
  --instances INTEGER             Number of instances to deploy  [default: 1]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Support multiple values and --wait flag (#208 #207)


  • compute folder mk
  • compute folder rm


Both folder creation and deletion support multiple values and the --wait flag to follow up request status until completion:

Usage: vss-cli compute folder mk [OPTIONS] NAME...

  Create a logical folder under a given name, path or moref of parent.

  -p, --parent TEXT  Parent folder name, path or moref  [required]
  --wait             wait for request(s) to complete
  --help             Show this message and exit.

For example, the following command creates 4 folders under the parent group-v1637 :

vss-cli compute folder mk --wait QA DEV PROD UAT --parent group-v1637

More examples can be found here.

For folder deletion, the CLI allows to submit multiple folder deletions at once and follow up the state of request:

Usage: vss-cli compute folder rm [OPTIONS] MOREF...

  Delete a logical folder. Folder must be empty.

  -m, --max-del INTEGER RANGE  Maximum items to delete  [default: 3]
  --wait                       wait for request(s) to complete
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

For instance, to delete folders created in the previous example:

vas-cli compute folder rm --wait --max-del=4 $(vss-cli --columns moref --no-headers --table-format plain compute folder get group-v1637 children)

pyvss upgrade from 0.9.43 -> 0.11.0 (#211)

Bug fixes

Fixes compute folder rm Attribute error (#206)

Missing v0.2.7 change log in documentation (#205)

Fixes RST syntax warnings in docs source (#209)


Remember, VSS-CLI documentation is now available in VSS-CLI and the full Change Log is available here. Upgrade or install VSS-CLI as follows:

# using vss-cli
vss-cli upgrade stable

# upgrade with pip
pip install vss-cli --upgrade

# install
pip install vss-cli 

For more information, please refer to the official documentation site.

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University of Toronto - Since 1827