How-to archive a Virtual Machine

How-to archive a Virtual Machine

The ITS Private Cloud offers two options as archival methods:

  • Mark your Virtual Machine as Template

    • PROS: To power it on, you must mark the template as first.

    • CONS : The VM will be billed for storage only (this might fit in the pros).

  • Export the Virtual Machine as OVF to your VSS User space:

    • PROS : Storage free of charge. Can be downloaded and stored on your end.

    • CONS: If you need to run it, you will have to deploy a new from OVF.

Mark the VM as Template

 Instructions using the Portal

  1. Login to https://vss-portal.eis.utoronto.ca

  2. Look for the VM to Edit and click the  button.

  3. From the VM Tab, click on the Template toggle located at the top right corner.

  4. Click on YES to confirm the conversion.

 Instructions using the vss-cli

Using https://vss-cli.eis.utoronto.ca or a local VSS CLI install

  1. Look for the vm moref to delete with the following command:

    vss-cli compute vm ls
  2. Submit the export request with the command:

    vss-cli compute vm set <id-or-name> template --on
  3. Once converted to template, the Virtual Machine will not be able to run, unless marked as VM.

Export the VM as OVF

Instructions using the vss-cli

Using https://vss-cli.eis.utoronto.ca or a local VSS CLI install

  1. Look for the vm moref to export with the following command:

    vss-cli compute vm ls
  2. Submit the export request with the command:

    vss-cli compute vm set <id-or-name> export
  3. The task submitted will do two subtasks:

    1. Run the export from vSphere to OVF and downloading all VMDK files.

    2. Transfer the files to your VSS User Storage.

    3. Once complete, a notification will follow.

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University of Toronto - Since 1827