How-to configure and licence a provisioned vGPU
When you provision a vGPU on The ITS Private Cloud, a couple of steps must be performed before using the resource. First, a driver must be installed in the guest operating system and a license must be assigned. This how-to provides the necessary steps to get your vGPU ready for action.
Download and Install the driver
From the Guest Operating system open a
or your MinIO interface and browse to the following path/ut-vss-lib/nvidia-grid-vpshere-7.0-525.147.01-525.147.05-529.19/Guest_Drivers
.Download the driver based on your operating system. i.e. using
to installnvidia-linux-grid
on Ubuntu:sftp {vss-user} cd /ut-vss-lib/nvidia-grid-vsphere-7.0-535.183.04-535.183.01-538.67/Guest_Drivers get nvidia-linux-grid-535_535.183.01_amd64.deb
Install the driver in the virtual machine guest operation system. i.e. on Ubuntu:
apt install dkms dpkg -i nvidia-linux-grid-535_535.183.01_amd64.deb
License your vGPU
Open cmd as Administrator.
intoC:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools
cd C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools
Extract the token from the guest info interface:
.\vmtoolsd.exe --cmd "info-get guestinfo.ut.vss.nvidia_token" > "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\vGPU Licensing\ClientConfigToken\client_configuration_token_12-05-2023-11-26-05.tok"
Restart services:
net stop "NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem" net start "NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem"
The virtual machine will check-in with our on-premise license server and activate any requested feature.
, copy the file/etc/nvidia/gridd.conf.template
.Open a text editor and edit the
to select either of the following values:# Description: Set Feature to be enabled # Data type: integer # Possible values: # 0 => for unlicensed state # 1 => for NVIDIA vGPU # 2 => for NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation # 4 => for NVIDIA Virtual Compute Server
To enable NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation, select
Extract the token from the guest info interface and save it to a file in the directory
as follows:echo -n -e $(vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.ut.vss.nvidia_token") > /etc/nvidia/ClientConfigToken/client_configuration_token_12-05-2023-11-26-05.tok
If necessary, change the mode of the client configuration token to
:chmod 744 /etc/nvidia/ClientConfigToken/client_configuration_token_*.tok
Restart the services.
systemctl restart nvidia-gridd
The virtual machine will check-in with our on-premise license server and activate any requested feature.
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University of Toronto - Since 1827