How-to uninstall the Windows NetWorker software for UTORrecover
The steps to remove the NetWorker software differ depending on which installation binary you used to install the software.
Log in to the target host as the local administrator.
Ensure no programs, such as Windows Explorer, are accessing the directories or the files in
directory. The default installation path for the NetWorker software isC:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker
Right-click My Computer, and then select Manage.
Expand Services and Applications, and then select Services.
Right-click NetWorker Remote Exec Service, and then select Stop as shown below:
From the Control Panel, select Program and Features.
In the Uninstall or change a program window, select NetWorker Client, and then click
On the Install Modification window, leave the default option Remove selected, and then
click Remove.
In the Complete the Setup window, a link to the master setup log file appears. Click Finish
to close the window.
Highlight important information in a panel like this one. To edit this panel's color or style, select one of the options in the menu.
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