How-to Create Virtual Machine Snapshot

How-to Create Virtual Machine Snapshot

For more information about snapshot management, please refer to the VSS Guidelines.

ITS Private Cloud Portal

  1. Login to https://vss-portal.eis.utoronto.ca

  2. Look for the VM to edit and click 

  3. Click on the Snapshot button:

  4. Select the date and time the snapshot will taken at:

  5. Select the lifetime for the snapshot (72 hours max):

  6. Click OK and you should see a snapshot request number at the bottom of the screen:

  7. You will get a confirmation email for the request submission, when the snapshot has been created and deleted.


Command-Line Interface (vss-cli)

The following steps should guide you through the process of requesting a virtual machine snapshot using either via https://vss-cli.eis.utoronto.ca or a local ITS Private Cloud Command Line Interface vss-cli

  1. Run vss-cli configure to configure your VSS credentials. If you have already done this, please go to next step.

  2. Use the vss-cli compute vm set <name-or-vm-id> snapshot command to submit a snapshot request as follows:

    vss-cli --wait compute vm set {name-or-vm-id} snapshot mk \ --description "Before difficult upgrade" --timestamp "2020-04-27 16:53" \ --lifetime 72
  3. Once the request is submitted, you can follow up the request status with the vss-cli request snapshot command:

    vss-cli request snapshot ls --sort created_on,desc id created_on updated_on status vm_moref vm_name action snapshot.from_date snapshot.to_date ---- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------- ---------- --------------- -------- --------------------------- --------------------------- 10 2020-04-27 Mon 16:53:34 EDT 2020-04-28 Tue 16:52:00 EDT PROCESSED vm-2183 2004T-Frontend2 DONE 2020-04-27 Mon 16:53:00 EDT 2020-04-28 Tue 16:53:00 EDT


  4. You will get a confirmation email for the request submission, when the snapshot has been created and deleted.

  5. For more information about how to Revert or Delete a Snapshot using the CLI, please refer to the CLI documentation here.


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