How-to Upgrade a virtual machine to the latest supported hardware version

How-to Upgrade a virtual machine to the latest supported hardware version


The VSS Command Line Interface (vss-cli) allows you to upgrade the virtual hardware version to 19 (vmx-19).

ESXi/ESX version

Virtual hardware version

ESXi/ESX version

Virtual hardware version

ESXi 7.0


ESXi 6.7


ESXi 6.5


ESXi 5.5


ESXi 5.1


ESXi 5.0


ESXi/ESX 4.1/4.0


ESXi/ESX 3.5


When upgrading virtual hardware, consider the following points:

  • Upgrading a Virtual Machine to the recommended hardware version 19 (vmx-19) is the physical equivalent of swapping the drive out of one system and placing it into a new one. Its success will depend on the resiliency of the guest operating system in the face of hardware changes. 

  • Before you upgrade the virtual hardware version of a virtual machine, create a snapshot or backup of the virtual machine in case there are issues post upgrade.

  • NIC configuration may be lost when upgrading from ESXi 3.5 (vmx-04) to a newer hardware version. To workaround this issue, ensure that latest version of VMware Tools is running in the virtual machine before commencing hardware version upgrade.

Source VMware

For more information about vSphere feature set available vs virtual hardware version, please refer to the following VMware KB article.

Step-by-step guide


  1. Login to https://vss-cli.eis.utoronto.ca with your VSS Credentials

  2. If you have already configured the CLI, please skip to step 3. Otherwise, execute:

    vss-cli configure mk
  3. List the target VM filtering by name (Optional):

    vss-cli --columns moref,name,folder.path,version compute vm ls -f name=Frontend moref name folder.path version ------- --------------- ------------------------- --------- vm-2183 2004T-Frontend2 VSS > Development > Dev02 vmx-13 vm-2185 2004T-Frontend3 VSS > Development > Dev03 vmx-13


  4. Check if VMware Tools is installed and running:

    vss-cli compute vm get {name-or-vm-id} tools Version : 2147483647 Version Status : guestToolsUnmanaged Running Status : guestToolsRunning

     VMware Tools is Running.

  5. Schedule a Virtual Machine Snapshot and/or backup any data from the OS:

  6. As soon as you get the confirmation that the snapshot has been taken successfully, proceed to power off VM

  7. Upgrade the Virtual hardware version

  8. Power On virtual machine:

  9. Login to the OS and check everything is OK. 

  10. If there's something not working, revert to the snapshot taken:

Cloud Portal UI

  1. Login into Cloud Portal.

  2. Select the virtual machine you need to update the hardware version.

  3. Schedule a Virtual Machine Snapshot and/or backup any data from the OS. How-to Create Virtual Machine Snapshot

  4. Virtual Machine hardware version update requires the power state to be Off. If the virtual machine is already powered off proceed to Step 5, otherwise toggle the Power Status, click update and confirm.

    CleanShot 2024-01-17 at 09.55.48.gif

  5. Select the virtual machine again, and proceed to upgrade the hardware version. The higher the version the newer features will be presented. Then click Update and Confirm.

    CleanShot 2024-01-17 at 09.58.49.gif

  6. Repeat Step 4 to power on the virtual machine.

  7. Login to the OS and check everything is OK. 

  8. If there's something not working, revert to the snapshot taken in Step 3.

If you experience any trouble, please contact us.

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